Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This and That

Almost every weekend in past two weeks, there's something to do...and feel like no weekend :)

Feb 14....Odyssey Of Mind competition day at BCC Campus (Brevard Community College). Odyssey Of Mind is some kind play, which all created by student. They create the play, strategy and customs. A group only allow one adult couch, and a couch just supervise and help put all the student ideas. After a lot of practices and hard work, they performance!!! it's so cute and funny. It worthies of stayed all day to wait for their turn to play. We back home about 2pm, get rested and about 6 pm we back to BCC for award ceremony, and Peter Group got second place ...(Bravo guys!!! )They made to State competition, which will happen on April 7Th at University Central Florida in Orlando.

Feb 15...we went to India Festival just for fun, Peter and frank didn't want to try the food. Michael and I tried....because I was so hungry :). It was interesting!!!

Feb 20....Blue and Gold dinner Cub scout pack 738, simple dinner to celebrate scouting birthday. We enjoy the dinner and met alot of new people.
Feb 21...Elementary Music Festival at King Center. Peter was in Choir. We took Peter King Center for last time rehearsal at 2:30pm , while Michael went to leadership training from scout troop since 7:30am.
We went to see the show from 7 pm-9pm. The Choir and string band are from all elementary school in our county (Brevard County), it's very good....and we're so proud to saw Peter on stage.

Feb 22....I wanted just stay home, but there's Eagle Scout ceremony in Michael Boyscout troop, and I was one of volunteer moms. We went there about 1pm, the ceremony was very nice and quick, the Mayor of our town came.....Hemm now i know the Mayor look like :). Finish about 4pm, went home....relax...wachted little bit Oscar...and by 9pm we ready for bed!!!!!
As far as I know, this week is quite....and thanks GOD!!! we are healthy :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fishing at Cocoa Pier

Yes!!!! You can catch a shark here :)

Monday, February 02, 2009



Middle School All County Band

High School All County Band

Seminggu yg lalu, hampir tiap hari ,aku anter Michael rehearsal yg tempat 30 menit drive dari rumah. Rehearsalnya dari jam 6 sore sampe jam 8:30, sampe aku bosen dan cape juga bolak balik pake higway 95. Hari sabtu terakhir rehearsal, anter Mike jam 12:30, jemput jam 4:30, sampe rumah bikin dinner, siap2 buat show, jam 6 berangkat ke King Center. Akhirnya show mulai jam 7:30. Beruntung aku ama Peter dapet tempat duduk dibalkon, jadi bisa liat jelas.
Setelah pidato macem2.....musik mulai bermain.....aacchhhhh bangga sekali liat Mike, rasa cape ilang.....dan untuk anak smp, mereka main musik sangat bagus. Sayangnya ngak bisa divideo, karena aturan King Center yg tidak membolehkan membawa media recording, kecuali camera, tapi selama pertunjukan mereka merekam dan kita bisa beli CD nya yg lumanyan mahal juga ($30),cdnya bakal dikirim 3 minngu yg akan datang. Menurutku seh......bisa2nya aja King Center nyari duit..hehehe . Setelah anak2 smp selesai, group anak2 sma main....mereka main sangat profesional....ngak kalah deh sama yg di Boston Symphony Orcestra. Show selesai jam 9:30. Istirahat dulu .....sampe nanti ....another boys event!!!!