Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ThanksGiving and B-Day

This year the Thanksgiving day is the same day of Peter's Birthday, so.....

Dear Peter,

Happy 12Th Birthday!!!!! We proud of you and Love very much.

-Mom & Dad-

To Family and friends,

Happy Thanksgiving, Hope You have a wonderful "Turkey" day

This is a Thanksgiving story by Peter :

Thanksgiving Dinner

Oh No! Every time this year Farmer Brown takes one of us turkeys and they never come back. I think it might be me, Chicken Wing the turkey. he has been giving me alot of extra food like all the other turkeys that disappeared. I've been planning all year to escape Farmer Brown. My plan is called "Prison Break". I will try to hop the fence, but if he still will chase me, I will try to led him somewhere else.
"Chicken Wing! Chicken Wing! Where are you?" Farmer Brown called. The plan is starting, I thought to myself. I crept out of the coop, innocently.
Then I yelled, "ATTACK!!!!". At that every single turkey charged out of coop. The Farmer had a very shcoled expression. After one second, the Farmer was covered in turkeys. Then I used this pile to escape. I ran as the Farmer fought off turkeys. After a few minutes of running, I looked back. I saw Farmer Brown right behind me. Oh snap, I thought as I turn around and ran. I ran into the town stopping by a "Chick-Fill-A" to see if I could throw off the Farmer. That didn't work so I tried Walmart "Nope", my final attempt was "Public Grocier Store". I ran through as Farmer Brown chased me. People doged out of our way as we ran through. Then I came to a stop, I saw something very sickening. There were bodies of turkeys, but then I had an idea. The farmer came at me, but the he stopped. He saw me pointing at the turkey bodies. The he said "Hm mm 20% off, that's a good price.
So then he grabed me and a turkey body and went home. Then he freed every single on of turkeys! It was amazing. He placed me on the ground with my family and they said "Chicken Wing, You save Thanksgiving!".
The end


  1. Happy bday to Peter ya. Happy thanksgiving juga walaupun gak ngerti Teh :)

  2. huahahaha ceritanya lucu... pinter juga si chicken wing ya... :))

    good story peter! very funny!

    happy birthday ya...
    and happy thanksgiving too!

  3. happy bday peter :)

    wah telat datangna thanksgivingna ge udah kelaut xixixi, d pwk gak ada thanksgiving, eh thanksgiving tiap hari deng kalo dra minta tolong ke orang pasti bilang 'thanks' xixixi

  4. happy birthday in late to your son! :D
